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Hanson's Anatomy COMPLETE book (hardcover)

This book contains all 438 study guides I created to get through medical school. 


Creating these study guides was truly a labor of love. I created most of the study guides within it while in medical school, some while in residency. Illustrating these guides helped me grasp the vast and complex topics covered along the journey of becoming a doctor.


These guides have not been fact-checked nor peer-reviewed. If you are using these guides to supplement your studies, you acknowledge the need to verify all information contained herein with the most up-to-date and peer-reviewed textbooks and journals, preferably those which have been assigned by your school.


Studying medicine, at first, was hard for me. It became easier once I learned the way in which I study best: by illustrating the concepts as they were taught. Once I figured out my preferred method, studying became more fun. It took a while to create each study guide, sure, but once I was done, I found that I truly internalized and understood what I was learning, rather than just memorizing it. My hope is that you enjoy my illustrations and study guides, and that they inspire you to find the way in which you study best.


The study of medicine is a lifelong journey that never ends. As a medical community, we are constantly improving processes, medicines, treatments, and our understanding of the complex human body. My hope is that this book helps and inspires you to never stop learning!



1) Cardiology - pg 1-37

2) Pulmonology - pg 38-59

3) Orthopedics - pg 60-103

4) Neuro - pg 104-142

5) Nephrology - pg 143-158

6) Microbiology - pg 159-176

7) Pediatrics - pg 177-197

8) OB/GYN - pg 198-225

9) HEENT - pg 226-250

10) Emergency Medicine - pg 251-310

11) Gastroenterology - pg 311-337

12) Heme/Onc - pg 338-371

13) Metabolic - pg 372-438

Hanson's Anatomy COMPLETE book (hardcover)

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    Please send me a message if you'd like to place an international order. 



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